As of August 2022, I have coauthored 85 ISI/SCOPUS research papers. You can access some of these publications below, or directly from Google Scholar, PubMed, Research Gate, SCOPUS, ORCID, SciProfiles or CvLAC . My AD Scientific Index is here .

Research Papers


  1. Ferreira-Vanegas, C.M.; Vélez, J.I.; García-Llinás, G.A. Analytical Methods and Determinants of Frequency and Severity of Road Accidents: A 20-Year Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2022, Article ID 7239464, 17 pages.

  2. López-Rivera, J.J.; Rodríguez-Salazar, L.; Soto-Ospina, A.; Estrada-Serrato, C.; Serrano, D.; Chaparro-Solano, H.M.; Londoño, O.; Rueda, P.A.; Ardila, G.; Villegas-Lanau, A.; Godoy-Corredor, M.; Cuartas, M.; Vélez, J.I.; Vidal, O.M.; Isaza-Ruget, M.A.; Arcos-Burgos, M. Structural Protein Effects Underpinning Cognitive Developmental Delay of the PURA p.Phe233del Mutation Modelled by Artificial Intelligence and the Hybrid Quantum Mechanics–Molecular Mechanics Framework. Brain Sciences, 12(7), 871.

  3. López-Prado, J. L; González-Sánchez, J. W.; Vélez, J. I., Garcia-Llinás, G. A. (2022). Reliability Assessment in Rural Distribution Systems with Microgrids: A Computational-based Approach. IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 43327-43340.

  4. Aguillon, D.; Vásquez, D.; Madrigal, L.; Moreno, S.; Hernández, D.; Isaza-Ruget, M.; López, J. J.; Landires, I.; Nuñez-Samudio, V.; Restrepo, C. M.; Vidal, O. M.; Vélez, J. I.; Arcos-Holzinger, M.; Lopera, F.; Arcos-Burgos, M. (2022). Ataxia with Ocular Apraxia type 1 (AOA1) (APTX; W279* mutation): Neurological, Neuropsychological, and Molecular Outlining of a Heterogenous Phenotype in Four Colombian Siblings. Molecular Neurobiology, 59, pp. 3845–3858.

  5. Quintero-Arteaga, C.; Peñabaena-Niebles, P.; Vélez, J. I.; Jubiz-Diaz, M. (2022). Statistical design of an adaptive synthetic \(\bar{X}\) control chart for autocorrelated processes. Quality and Reliability Engineering International.

  6. Valencia-Echeverry, J.; Cuartas-Arias, J. M.; Vélez; J. I., Arcos-Burgos, M.; López-Jaramillo, C.; Palacio-Ortiz, J. D. (2022). Executive Function Deficit in Bipolar offspring: A Neurocognitive Endophenotype? (2022). Journal of Affective disorders, S0165-0327(21)01121-6.


  1. Acosta-López, J.E.; Suárez, I.; Pineda, D.A.; Cervantes-Henríquez, M.L.; Martínez-Banfi, M.L.; Lozano-Gutiérrez, S.G.; Ahmad, M.; Pineda-Alhucema, W.; Noguera-Machacón, L.M.; De La Hoz, M.; Mejía-Segura, E.; Jiménez-Figueroa, G.; Sánchez-Rojas, M.; Mastronardi, C.A.; Arcos-Burgos, M.; Vélez, J.I.; Puentes-Rozo, P.J. Impulsive and Omission Errors: Potential Temporal Processing Endophenotypes in ADHD. Brain Sciences. 11(9), 1218, 2021.

  2. Mosquera-Heredia, M.I.; Morales, L.C.; Vidal, O.M.; Barceló, E.; Silvera-Redondo, C.; Vélez, J.I.; Garavito-Galofre, P. Exosomes: Potential Disease Biomarkers and New Therapeutic Targets. Biomedicines, 9, 1061, 2021.

  3. Martinez-Banfi, M., Vélez, J.I., Mebarak Chams, M.R., Arcos-Holzinger, M., Acosta-López, J.E., García, R., Perea, M.V., Arcos-Burgos, M., Ladera, V. Utility of a Short Neuropsychological Protocol for Detecting HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders in Patients with Asymptomatic HIV-1 Infection. Brain Sciences, 11(8), 1037, 2021.

  4. Machado-Domínguez, L.F., Paternina-Arboleda, C.D., Vélez, J.I., Barrios-Sarmiento, A. A memetic algorithm to address the multi-node resource-constrained project scheduling problem. J Sched 24, 413–429, 2021.

  5. Sebastian Racedo, Ivan Portnoy, Jorge I. Vélez, Homero San-Juan-Vergara, Marco Sanjuan, Eduardo Zurek. A new pipeline for structural characterization and classification of RNA-Seq microbiome data, BioData Mining, 14 (31), 2021.

  6. M.L. Cervantes-Henriquez, J.E. Acosta-López, M. Ahmad, M. Sánchez-Rojas, G. Jiménez-Figueroa, W. Pineda-Alhucema, M.L. Martinez-Banfi, L.M. Noguera-Machacón, E. Mejía-Segura, M. De La Hoz, M. Arcos-Holzinger, D.A. Pineda, P.J. Puentes-Rozo, M. Arcos-Burgos, J.I. Vélez. ADGRL3, FGF1 and DRD4: Linkage and Association to Working Memory and Perceptual Organization Endophenotypes in ADHD. Brain Sciences, 11(7), 854, 2021.

  7. Luis F. Machado-Domínguez, Carlos D. Paternina-Arboleda, J.I. Vélez, Agustín Barrios-Sarmiento. An adaptative bacterial foraging optimization algorithm for solving the MRCPSP with discounted cash flows, TOP, 2021.

  8. Martha L. Cervantes-Henríquez, Johan E. Acosta-López, Ariel F. Martinez, Mauricio Arcos-Burgos, Pedro J. Puentes-Rozo, Jorge I. Vélez. Machine Learning Prediction of ADHD Severity: Association and Linkage to ADGRL3, DRD4, and SNAP25. J Atten Disord, 2021.

  9. Vélez JI, Samper LA, Arcos-Holzinger M, Espinosa LG, Isaza-Ruget MA, Lopera F, Arcos-Burgos M. A Comprehensive Machine Learning Framework for the Exact Prediction of the Age of Onset in Familial and Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease. Diagnostics. 11, 887, 2021.

  10. Vélez, J. I.. Machine Learning Psychology: Advocating for a Data-Driven Approach. Intern J of Psych Research, 14(1), 6–11.


  1. Diego Sepulveda-Falla, Lucia Chavez-Gutierrez, Erik Portelius, Jorge I. Vélez, Simon Dujardin, et al. A multifactorial model of pathology for age of onset heterogeneity in familial Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neuropathologica, 141, pp. 217-33.

  2. Jose L. López-Prado, Jorge I. Vélez, Guisselle A. García-Llinás Reliability Evaluation in Distribution Networks with Microgrids: Review and Classification of the Literature. Energies 23 (13), pp. 1-31.

  3. Maria Camila Navarro, Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, Valentina Vásquez, Bárbara Carrea, Jorge I. Vélez, Moisés Mebarak Chams. An Exploratory Study for Assessment of Multimodal Semantic Memory in Colombian Children. Intern J of Psych Research, 13 (2), pp. 49-58.

  4. Marcela Henriquez-Henriquez, Maria T. Acosta, Ariel F. Martinez, Jorge I. Vélez, Francisco Lopera, David Pineda, Juan D. Palacio, Teresa Quiroga, Tilla S. Worgall, Richard J. Deckelbaum, Claudio Mastronardi, Brooke S. G. Molina, the MTA Cooperative Group, Mauricio Arcos-Burgos, Maximilian Muenke. Mutations in sphingolipid metabolism genes are associated with ADHD. Translational Psychiatry, 2020.

  5. Oscar M. Vidal, Jorge Acosta-Reyes, Jesús Padilla, Edgar Navarro-Lechuga, Elsa Bravo, Diego Viasus, Mauricio Arcos-Burgos, Jorge I. Vélez. Chikungunya outbreak (2015) in the Colombian Caribbean: Latent classes and gender differences in virus infection. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2020.

  6. Isabel Suarez, Carlos De Los Reyes Aragón, Elisa Díaz, Tania Iglesias, Ernesto Barceló, Jorge I. Vélez, Laurence Casini. How is Temporal Processing Affected in Children with Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?. Developmental Neuropsychology 2020, pp. 1-16.

  7. Landires, I.; Núñez-Samudio, V.; Fernandez, J.; Sarria, C.; Villareal, V.; Córdoba, F.; Apráez-Ippolito, G.; Martínez, S.; Vidal, O.M.; Vélez, J.I.; Arcos-Holzinger, M.; Landires, S.; Arcos-Burgos, M. Calpainopathy: Description of a Novel Mutation and Clinical Presentation with Early Severe Contractures. Genes, 2020, 11, 129.


  1. Vélez JI, Lopera F, Silva CT, Villegas A, Espinosa LG, Vidal OM, Mastronardi CA, Arcos-Burgos M. Familial Alzheimer’s Disease and Recessive Modifiers. Mol Neurobiol. 2019 Oct 29. doi: 10.1007/s12035-019-01798-0.

  2. Mebarak Chams M, Tinoco L, Mejia-Rodriguez D, Martinez-Banfi ML, Preuss H, Hammerle F, Vélez JI, Kolar DR. The Spanish Body Image State Scale: Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity in a Colombian Population. Front Psychol. 2019 Nov 22,10:2553.

  3. Pedro J. Puentes-Rozo, Johan E. Acosta-López, Martha L. Cervantes-Henríquez, Martha L. Martínez-Banfi, Elsy Mejia-Segura, Manuel Sánchez-Rojas, Marco E. Anaya-Romero, Antonio Acosta-Hoyos, Guisselle A. García-Llinás, Claudio A. Mastronardi, David A. Pineda, F. Xavier Castellanos, Mauricio Arcos-Burgos, Jorge I. Vélez. Genetic Variation Underpinning ADHD Risk in a Caribbean Community. Cells 8(8), 2019.

  4. Mauricio Arcos-Burgos, Jorge I. Vélez, Ariel F. Martinez, Marta Ribasés, et al.: ADGRL3 (LPHN3) variants predict substance use disorder. Translational Psychiatry 9(1), Jan, 2019 , pp. 42.


  1. Pineda-Alhucema, W., Aristizabal, E., Escudero-Cabarcas, J, Acosta-López JE, Vélez JI: Executive Function and Theory of Mind in Children with ADHD: A Systematic Review. Neuropsychol Rev 2018 Aug.

  2. Jorge I. Vélez, Francisco Lopera, Penelope K. Creagh, Laura B. Piñeros, et al.: Targeting Neuroplasticity, Cardiovascular, and Cognitive-Associated Genomic Variants in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease. Molecular Neurobiology 2018 Aug pp 1-9.

  3. Cervantes-Henríquez ML, Acosta-López JE, Martínez-Banfi ML, Vélez JI, Mejía-Segura E, Lozano-Gutiérrez SG, et al: ADHD Endophenotypes in Caribbean Families. J Atten Disord. 2018 Mar 1:1087054718763741.

  4. San-Juan-Vergara H, Zurek E, Ajami NJ, Mogollon C, Peña M, Portnoy I, Vélez JI, Cadena-Cruz C, et al. A Lachnospiraceae-dominated bacterial signature in the fecal microbiota of HIV-infected individuals from Colombia, South America. Sci Rep. 2018 Mar 14,8(1):4479.

  5. Trejos-Herrera AM, Bahamón MJ, Alarcón-Vásquez Y, Vélez JI, Vinaccia S. Validity and Reliability of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support in Colombian Adolescents. Psychosocial Intervention, 2018, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p56-63.

  6. Martínez-Banfi M, Vélez JI, Perea MV, García R, Puentes-Rozo PJ, Mebarak Chams M, Ladera V. Neuropsychological performance in patients with asymptomatic HIV-1 infection. AIDS Care. 2018 May,30(5):623-633.


  1. Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, Carlos Tirado, Edward Arshamian, Jorge I. Vélez, Artin Arshamian. The allocation of valenced concepts onto 3D space, Cognition and Emotion, 2017, pp. 1-10.

  2. Vélez, JI & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. Extension of a graphical diagnostic test for contingency tables. Chilean Journal of Statistics, 2017 8(1), 53-65.

  3. Andrews SJ, Eramudugolla R, Vélez JI, Cherbuin N, Easteal S, Anstey KJ. Validating the role of the Australian National University Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Index (ANU-ADRI) and a genetic risk score in progression to cognitive impairment in a population-based cohort of older adults followed for 12 years. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2017 Mar 4,9(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s13195-017-0240-3.

  4. G Jiménez-Figueroa, C Ardila-Duarte, DA Pineda, JE Acosta-López, ML Cervantes-Henríquez, W Pineda-Alhucema, J Cervantes-Gutiérrez, M Quintero-Ibarra, M Sánchez-Rojas, JI Vélez, PJ Puentes-Rozo. Prepotent response inhibition and reaction times in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder from a Caribbean community. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. 2017 Feb 25.


  1. Wong ML, Arcos-Burgos M, Liu S, Vélez JI, Yu C, Baune BT, Jawahar MC, Arolt V, Dannlowski U, Chuah A, Huttley GA, Fogarty R, Lewis MD, Bornstein SR, Licinio J. The PHF21B gene is associated with major depression and modulates the stress response. Mol Psychiatry, 2016 Oct 25.

  2. Vélez JI, Lopera F, Patel HR, Johar AS, et al. Mutations modifying sporadic Alzheimer’s disease age of onset. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2016 Aug 30.

  3. Das D, Vélez JI, Acosta MT, Muenke M, Arcos-Burgos M, Easteal S. Retrospective assessment of childhood ADHD symptoms for diagnosis in adults: validity of a short 8-item version of the Wender-Utah Rating Scale. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord, 2016 Aug 10.

  4. CA Mastronardi, E Pillai, DA Pineda, AF Martinez, F Lopera, Vélez JI, JD Palacio et al.: Linkage and association analysis of ADHD endophenotypes in extended and multigenerational pedigrees from a genetic isolate, Molecular Psychiatry, 2016, 21, pp. 1434–1440.

  5. Johar A, Sarmiento-Monroy JC, Rojas-Villarraga A, Silva-Lara MF, Patel HR, Mantilla RD, Vélez JI, Schulte KM, Mastronardi C, Arcos-Burgos M, Anaya JM. Definition of mutations in polyautoimmunity. J Autoimmun. 2016 Aug,72:65-72.

  6. Vélez JI, F Lopera, D Sepulveda-Falla, HR Patel, AS Johar, et al.: APOE\(*\)E2 Allele Delays Age of Onset in PSEN1 E280A Alzheimer’s Disease. Molecular Psychiatry, Jul, 21(7):916-24.

  7. Vélez JI, D Rivera, CA Mastronardi, HR Patel, C Tobón, et al.: A mutation in DAOA modifies the Age-of-Onset in PSEN1 E280A Alzheimer’s disease, Neural Plasticity, 2016.

  8. JI Vélez, F Marmolejo-Ramos and JC Correa: A graphical diagnostic test for two-way contingency tables, Revista Colombiana de Estadística, 39(1), pp. 97-108.

  9. JI Vélez, F Marmolejo-Ramos: Los Secretos de Cien Años de Soledad: Una Aproximación Estilométrica para la Investigación en Psicolingüística [The Secrets of One Hundred Years of Solitude: A Stylometric Approach for Psycholinguistic Research], Revista Colombiana de Psicología, 2016, 25(2), 265-288.


  1. F Marmolejo-Ramos, JI Vélez, X Rom~ao: Automatic detection of discordant outliers via the Ueda’s method, Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 2015 Oct 2(8): pp. 1-14.

  2. JI Vélez, JC Correa & F Marmolejo-Ramos: A new approach to the Box-Cox transformation. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Article 12, October 30, 2015.

  3. Angad S. Johar, Claudio Mastronardi, Adriana Rojas-Villarraga, Hardip R. Patel, Aaron Chuah, Kaiman Peng, Angela Higgins, Peter Milburn, Stephanie Palmer, Maria Fernanda Silva, JI Vélez, Dan Andrews, et al.: Novel and Rare Functional Genomic Variants in Multiple Autoimmune Syndrome and Sjögren’s syndrome. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2015 Jun 2,13:173.

  4. JI Vélez, JC Correa: A modified Q-Q plot for large sample sizes, Comunicaciones en Estadística, 8 (2), pp. 163-172.

  5. JI Vélez, JC Correa: Bootstrap-based parameter estimation for grouped data, Revista Facultad de Ciencias, 4 (2), pp. 74-82, 2015.

  6. Jorge I. Vélez, Cameron A. Jack, Aaron Chuah, Bob Buckley, Juan C. Correa, Simon Easteal and Mauricio Arcos-Burgos: Cross validation of pooling/resampling GWAS using the WTCCC data. Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, 2015, 3, Article 1.

  7. D González-Gómez, JI Vélez, JC Correa: Comparación de 13 intervalos de confianza para los parametros de la distribución multinomial [Comparison of 13 confidence intervals for the parameters of the multinomial distribition], Revista Facultad de Ciencias, 4 (2), 150-163, 2015.


  1. Jorge I. Vélez, Juan Carlos Correa and Mauricio Arcos-Burgos: A new method for detecting significant p-values with applications to genetic data. Revista Colombiana de Estadística, 37(1), pp. 69-78.

  2. Jorge I. Vélez and Juan Carlos Correa: Should we think of a different median estimator?. Comunicaciones en Estadística, 2014,7(1):11-17.

  3. Vélez, J. I., Correa, J. C. Estimación bayesiana del parámetro de la distribución Poisson censurada sin ceros [Bayesian estimation of the non-zero censored poisson distribution parameter], Cuadernos de Estadística Aplicada, 2014, 1 (1), 1-9.

  4. Correa, J.C., Vélez, J. I.. Una nota de cuidado sobre el efecto de datos parcialmente faltantes en la prueba de independencia \(\chi^2\) [A cautionary note on the effect of partially-missing data in the \(\chi^2\) test of independence], Comunicaciones en Estadística, 2014, 7(2), 189-199.


  1. Minig L, Vélez JI, Trimble EL, Biffi R, Maggioni A, Jeffery DD. Changes in short-term health-related quality of life in women undergoing gynecologic oncologic laparotomy: an associated factor analysis. Support Care Cancer. 2013 Mar,21(3):715-26.

  2. Walsh KS, Vélez JI, Kardel PG, Imas DM, Muenke M, Packer RJ, Castellanos FX, Acosta MT. Symptomatology of autism spectrum disorder in a population with neurofibromatosis type 1. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013 Feb,55(2):131-8.

  3. Jorge I. Vélez, Settara C. Chandrasekharappa, et al.: Pooling/Bootstrap-based GWAS (pbGWAS) Identifies New Loci Modifying the Age of Onset in PSEN1 p.Glu280Ala Alzheimer’s Disease. Molecular Psychiatry, May 2013, 18, pp. 568–575.

  4. Jorge I. Vélez, Juan Carlos Correa: Comparación de procedimientos FDR para la selección de parámetros en Regresión Poisson [Comparison of FDR-based procedures to select parameters in Poisson Regression] Comunicaciones en Estadística, Junio 2013, Vol. 6, No 1.

  5. Jorge I. Vélez, Jairo A. Angel, Juan Carlos Correa: Cuantificación de variants genéticas utilizando Modelos Jerárquicos Bayesianos [Quantification of genetic variants using Bayesian Hierarchical Models] Comunicaciones en Estadística, Junio 2013, Vol. 6, No 1.

  6. Jorge I. Vélez, Juan Carlos Correa: Una prueba de independencia completa basada en la FDR [A test for complete independence based on FDR] Comunicaciones en Estadística, Diciembre 2013, Vol. 6, No 2.


  1. Mauricio Arcos-Burgos, Ana C. Londoño, David A. Pineda, Francisco Lopera, Juan D. Palacio, Andres Arbelaez, Maria T. Acosta, Jorge I. Vélez, F. Xavier Castellanos, and Maximilian Muenke: Analysis of Brain Metabolism by Proton-Magnetic-Resonance-Spectroscopy (\(^1\)H-MRS) in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Suggests a Generalized Differential Ontogenic Pattern from Controls. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. July 20, 2012.

  2. Mauricio Camargo, Dora Rivera, Lina Moreno, Andrew C. Lidral, Ursula Harper, Marypat Jones, Benjamin D. Solomon, Erich Roessler, Jorge I. Vélez, Ariel F. Martinez, Settara C. Chandrasekharappa, and Mauricio Arcos-Burgos: GWAS Reveals New Recessive Loci Associated with Non-Syndromic Facial Clefting. European Journal of Medical Genetics, Oct 2012, 55(10), pp. 510-14.

  3. Mauricio Arcos-Burgos, Jorge I. Vélez, Benjamin D. Solomon, Maximilian Muenke: A Common Genetic Network Underlies Substance Use Disorders and Disruptive or Externalizing Disorders. Human Genetics. Apr 2012, 131, pp. 917–929.

  4. Diego A. Salazar, Jorge I. Vélez, Juan Carlos Salazar: Comparison between SVM and Logistic Regression: which one is better to discriminate?, Revista Colombiana de Estadística, 2012, 35(2), pp. 223-237.

  5. Erich Roessler, Jorge I. Vélez, Nan Zhou and Maximilian Muenke: Utilizing prospective sequence analysis of SHH, ZIC2, SIX3 and TGIF in holoprosencephaly probands to describe the parameters limiting the observed frequency of mutant gene \(\times\) gene interactions. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. Jan 2012, 105(4), pp. 658-664.

  6. Jorge I. Vélez, Juan Carlos Correa: Carta al Editor [Letter to the Editor] Comunicaciones en Estadística, Junio 2012, Vol. 4, No. 2.


  1. Pineda D.A., Lopera F., Puerta I.C., Trujillo-Orrego N., Aguirre-Acevedo, D.C., Hincapié-Henao L., Arango P., Acosta M.T., Martinez A.F., Holzinger S.I., Palacio J.D., Pineda-Alvarez D.E., Vélez J.I., Lewis J.E., Muenke M., and Arcos-Burgos M.: Potential Cognitive Endophenotypes in Multigenerational Families: Segregating ADHD from a Genetic Isolate. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. Jul 2011, 3(291).

  2. Maria T. Acosta, Jorge I. Vélez, M. Leonor Bustamante, Joan Z. Balog, Mauricio Arcos-Burgos, Maximilian Muenke: A Two-Locus Genetic Interaction between LPHN3 and 11q Predicts ADHD Severity and Long-Term Outcome. Translational Psychiatry (2011) 1, e17.

  3. Jain M, Vélez JI, Acosta MT, Palacio LG, Balog J, Roessler E, Pineda D, et al. A cooperative interaction between LPHN3 and 11q doubles the risk for ADHD. Molecular Psychiatry. May 2011, 17, pp. 741–747.


  1. Keaton A, Solomon BD, Kauvar EF, El-Jaick KB, Gropman AL, Zafer Y, Meck JM, Bale SJ, Grange DK, Haddad BR, Gowans GC, Clegg NJ, Delgado MR, Hahn JS, Pineda-Alvarez DE, Lacbawan F, Vélez JI, Roessler E, Muenke M.: Mutations in TGIF in human holoprosencephaly: correlation between genotype and phenotype. Mol Syndromol 1:211-222, 2010.

  2. Benjamin D. Solomon, Daniel E. Pineda-Alvarez, Manu S. Raam, Sophia M. Bous, Amelia Keaton, Jorge I. Vélez, Derek A.T. Cummings: VACTERL Association: Analysis of Component Findings in 79 Patients. Am J Med Genet, Part A. Aug 3, 2010, 152A:2236-2244.

  3. Minig L, Velazco A, Lamm M, Vélez JI, Venturini NC, Testa R. Evaluation of laparoscopic management of gynecologic emergencies by residents. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2010 Jun 24.

  4. Arcos-Burgos M., Jain M, Acosta MT, Shively S, Stanescu H, Wallis D, Domené S, Vélez JI, Karkera JP, et al. A Common Variant of Latrophilin 3, LPHN3, Gene Confers Susceptibility to ADHD and Predicts Effectiveness of Stimulant Medication. Molecular Psychiatry, February 2010, 15, pp. 1053–1066.

  5. Benjamin D. Solomon, Sandra Mercier, Jorge I. Vélez, Daniel E. Pineda-Alvarez, Sylvie Odent et al: Analysis of Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Human Holoprosencephaly. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2010 Feb 15, 154C(1):133-41.

  6. Solomon BD, Lacbawan F, Mercier S, Clegg NJ, Delgado MR, Rosenbaum K, Dubourg C, David V, Olney AH, Wehner LE, Hehr U, Bale S, Paulussen A, Smeets HJ, Hardisty E, Tylki-Szymanska A, Pronicka E, Clemens M, McPherson E, Hennekam RC, Hahn J, Stashinko E, Levey E, Wieczorek D, Roeder E, Schell-Apacik CC, Booth CW, Thomas RL, Kenwrick S, Cummings DA, Bous SM, Keaton A, Balog JZ, Hadley D, Zhou N, Long R, Vélez JI, Pineda-Alvarez DE, Odent S, Roessler E, Muenke M. Mutations in ZIC2 in human holoprosencephaly: description of a novel ZIC2 specific phenotype and comprehensive analysis of 157 individuals. J Med Genet. Aug 2010,47(8):513-24.

  7. Yanjanin NM, Vélez JI, Gropman A, King K, et al.: Linear Clinical Progression, Independent of Age of Onset, in Niemann–Pick Disease, Type C. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsytr Genet. 2010 Jan 5,153B(1):132-40.


  1. Maggioni A., Minig L., Zanagnolo V., Bocciolone L., Colombo N., Landoni F., Peiretti M., Sanguineti F., Vélez J.I.: Robotic Surgery for Cervical Cancer: Comparison with Laparotomy. A case control study. Gynecol Oncol. Oct 2009, 115(1): 60-4.

  2. Erich Roessler, Kenia B. El-Jaick, Christèle Dubourg, Jorge I. Vélez, Benjamin D. Solomon, et al.: The mutational spectrum of holoprosencephaly-associated changes within the SHH gene in humans predict loss-of-function through either key structural alterations of the ligand or its altered synthesis. Hum Mutat. Oct 2009, 30(10): E921-35.

  3. Erich Roessler, Wuhong Pei, Maia V. Ouspenskaia, Jayaprakash D. Karkera, Jorge I. Vélez, Sharmilla Banerjee-Basu, et al.: Cumulative ligand activity of NODAL mutations and modifiers are linked to human heart defects and holoprosencephaly. Mol Genet Metab. 2009 Sep-Oct, 98(1-2):225-34. Epub 2009 May 27.

  4. Lacbawan, F., Solomon, B., Roessler, E., El-Jaick, K, Domené, S., Vélez, J.I., Zhou, N., et al.: Clinical spectrum of SIX3-associated mutations in holoprosencephaly: correlation between genotype, phenotype and function. J Med Genet 46 (6): 389-98, 2009. [PubMed]


  1. Domené S., Roessler E., El-Jaick K.B., Snir M., Brown J.L., Vélez J.I., Bale S., Lacbawan F., Muenke M., Feldman B.: Mutations in the human SIX3 gene in holoprosencephaly are loss-of-function. Hum. Mol. Genet., 17, 24: 3919-3928, 2008.

  2. Roessler E., Ouspenskaia M.V., Karkera J.D., Vélez J.I., Kantipong A., Lacbawan F., Bowers P., et al.: Reduced NODAL signaling strength via mutation of several pathway members including FOXH1 is linked to human heart defects and holoprosencephaly. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 83, 18-29, 2008.


  1. CM Ferreira-Venegas, JI Vélez, GA García-Llinás: Exogenous factors that determine the frequency of fatalities in road accidents in Colombian municipalities, Proceedings of the XXXI International Symposium in Statistics. Manizales, Colombia, August 29-September 2, 2022.

  2. J Licinio, M Arcos-Burgos, S Liu, JI Vélez et al. PHF21B gene: Association with Major Depressive Disorder and Modulation of the Stress Response, Proceedings Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51, pp. 105-105.

  3. Vélez, J.I., Correa, J.C.: Tasa de Falsos Positivos en Microarreglos [False Discovery Rate in Microarrays]. Proceedings of the VII Regional Colloquium in Statistics: Applied Statistics. Medellin, Colombia, July 20-23, 2010.

  4. Ángel-Guzmán, J., Vélez, J.I., Correa, J.C.: Un test de diagnóstico de variable agregada para Regresión Poisson [An added variable diagnostic test in Poisson Regression]. Proceedings of the XIX Statistics Symposium: Official Statistics, Medellin, Colombia, July 16-20, 2009.

  5. Vélez, J.I., Correa, J.C.: Some problems with Principal Component Analysis when the number of variables is greater than the number of observations. Proceedings of the XIX Statistics Symposium: Official Statistics, Medellin, Colombia, Colombia, July 16-20, 2009.

  6. Araújo, L., Ángel, J., Vélez, J.I.: Estimation of the Proportion of Defective Product and Inspection Plans in Assembly Processes. Proceedings of the XVIII Statistics Symposium: Statistics in Industry and Business, Cartagena, Colombia, August 11-15, 2008.

  7. Vélez, J.I., Correa J.C.: Comparison of t, Bonferroni and FDR procedures to select linear correlation coefficients. Proceedings of the XVIII Statistics Symposium: Statistics in Industry and Business. Cartagena, Colombia, August 11-15, 2008.

  8. Vélez, J.I., Hernández-Barajas F.: Comparison of Wald and Deviance statistics to include one variable in a Poisson Regression model. Proceedings of the VI Regional Colloquium in Statistics and 6th CEAES Summer School. National University of Colombia at Medellín and University EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia, July 23-25, 2008.

  9. Vélez, J.I., Correa J.C.: Estimation of time of firing in the process of polyurethane injection of Industrias HACEB S.A. Proceedings of the XVII Symposium in Statistics and 3rd Binational Meeting Colombia-Venezuela. Bucaramanga, Colombia. July 30-August 3, 2006.

  10. Vélez, J.I. Reduction of inspection levels to verify one continue variable in an assembly process. Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Colloquium in Statistics, National University of Colombia at Medellín, 2005.

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